Buddy-project Radboudumc
Buddy-project Radboudumc
Om buitenlandse studenten wegwijs te maken op onze faculteit en te begeleiden tijdens hun verblijf in Nijmegen, bestaat het Buddy-project. Een aantal keer per jaar komen er weer buitenlandse studenten naar Nijmegen en daarvoor zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste studenten die hen willen begeleiden. Je kunt je vrijblijvend aanmelden om Buddy te worden! Ben je geïnteresseerd, meld je dan aan door te mailen naar faciliteiten-onderwijs-mfvn@radboudumc.nl.
Enkele ervaringen van studenten en hun Buddy
"My buddy was really helpful. She told me the most essential tips and tricks about how to use public transportation, where to buy food, how to get to campus including the confusing inside-routes, where to hang out, where to report problems related to study, how the learning system in Netherland’s classes worked, and she welcomed me with a homemade dinner and it was marvelous! I felt accepted as well. Me and my buddy are still contacting each other. It turned out we have many things in common. Once I was invited to her hometown in Heusden and where we did many enjoyable activities together with her family.”
-Tiara Aulia Maisyarah, exchange student (Indonesia)
“It felt like opening up our little country to the world and showing our most hospitable side, while on the go, building friendships that still last untill this very date.”
-Joey Verdijk, Buddy